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An Experimental Test of Epistemic Vigilance: Competitive incentives increase dishonesty and reduce social influence

Watson, R. O. & T. J. H. Morgan


Norm reinforcement, not conformity or environmental factors, is predicted to sustain cultural variation

Manning, M. L., B. Thompson and T. J. H. Morgan

Evolutionary Human Sciences

Human Culture is Uniquely Open-Ended
rather than Uniquely Cumulative

Morgan, T. J. H., & M. W. Feldman

Nature Human Behaviour

Environmental complexity and regularity shape the evolution of cognition

Turner, C. R., T. J. H. Morgan & T. L. Griffiths

Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Conformist Transmission

Morgan, T. J. H. & E. J. C. van Leeuwen.

The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Evolution

Investigating the effects of social information on spite in an online game

Watson, R.O., T.J.H. Morgan, R.L. Kendal, J. van de Vyver & J. Kendal

Evolutionary Human Sciences

Prestige, conformity and gender consistency support a broad-context mechanism underpinning mate-choice copying

Foreman, M. & T. J. H. Morgan

Evolution and Human Behavior

The Cultural Transmission of Technological Skills

Derex, M. & Morgan, T. J. H.

The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Evolution

Inferring the age and sex of ancient potters from fingerprint ridge densities: A data-driven, Bayesian mixture modelling approach

Burchill, A. T., A. Sanders & T. J. H. Morgan


The Experimental Evolution of Human Culture: Flexibility, fidelity and environmental instability

Morgan, T. J. H., J. W. Suchow, & T. L. Griffiths

Proceedings of the Royal Society: B

Review: The Evolution of Knowledge: Rethinking Science for the Anthropocene by Jürgen Renn

Morgan, T. J. H.

Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture. 5 (2) 131-134.

Social Learning Strategies and Cooperative Behaviour: Evidence of Payoff Bias, but Not Prestige or Conformity, in a Social Dilemma Game

Watson, Robin, Thomas J. H. Morgan, Rachel L. Kendal, Julie Van De Vyver, Jeremy Kendal


Trusting the Experts: The Domain-Specificity of Prestige-Biased Social Learning

Brand, C. O., A. Mesoudi, & T. J. H. Morgan


Foraging zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) use public information rather than conforming to majorities

van Leeuwen, E. J. C., T. J. H. Morgan & K. Riebel

Biology Letters

Review: Beyond the Meme: Development and Structure in Cultural Evolution edited by Alan C. Love & William Wimsatt

Morgan, T. J. H.

Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture

Honest Signaling in Academic Publishing

Tiokhin, L., K. Panchanathan, D. Lakens, S. Vazire, T. J. H. Morgan & K. Zollman


Competition for priority harms the reliability of science, but reforms can help

Tiokhin, L. M. Yan, T. J. H. Morgan

Nature Human Behavior

Biased Transformation Erases Traditions Sustained by Conformist Transmission

Morgan, T. J. H., & Thompson, B.

Biology Letters

Cultural adaptation is maximised when intelligent individuals rarely think for themselves

Miu, E. & Morgan, T. J. H.

Evolutionary Human Sciences

A theory limited in scope and evidence.

Miu E., Boyd R., Richerson P.J., Morgan T.J.H.

Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

The emergence and adaptive use of prestige in an online social learning task.

Brand C.O., Heap S., Morgan T.J.H., Mesoudi A.

Scientific Reports.

What the Baldwin Effect affects depends on the nature of plasticity.

Morgan, T.J.H., Suchow J.W. & Griffiths, T.L.


Experimental evolutionary simulations of learning, memory and life history.

Morgan, T.J.H.*, Suchow J.W.* & Griffiths T.L.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

Cumulative Science via Bayesian Posterior Passing: An introduction.

Brand, C.O., Ounsley, J.P., van der Post, D., Morgan T.J.H.


By reverence, not fear: Prestige, religion, and autonomic regulation in the evolution of cooperation.

Lenfesty, H. L., Morgan, T. J. H.

Frontiers in Psychology.

Copy-the-majority of instances or individuals? Two approaches to the majority and their consequences for conformist decision-making

Morgan, T.J.H., Acerbi, A. & van Leeuwen, E.J.C.


Human mate-choice copying is domain general social learning. Scientific Reports.

Morgan, T.J.H.*, Street, S.E.*, Thornton, A., Brown, G.R., Laland, K.N. & Cross C.P.

Scientific Reports.

Review: Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony by Kevin N. Laland.

Morgan, T. J. H.

Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture. 2, 121-124.

Review: A Different Kind of Animal: How Culture Transformed our Species by Robert Boyd.

Morgan, T. J. H.

Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture. 2 (2) 115-118.

Sex differences in confidence influence patterns of conformity.

Cross, C.P., Brown, G.R., Morgan, T.J.H. & Laland, K.N.

British Journal of Psychology. 1–13.

The when and who of social learning and conformist transmission.

Muthukrishna, M., Morgan, T. J. H., & Henrich, J.

Evolution and Human Behavior, 37(1), 10–20.

Testing the Cognitive and Cultural Niche Theories of Human Evolution.

Morgan, T.J.H.

Current Anthropology. 57(3): 370–377.

Nothing in Human Behavior Makes Sense Except in the Light of Culture: Shared Interests of Social Psychology and Cultural Evolution.

Morgan, T. J. H., C. P. Cross & L. E. Rendell.

Zeigler-Hill, V., L. L. M. Welling & T. K. Shackelford (eds) Evolutionary Perspectives on Social Psychology. Springer.

What the Baldwin Effect affects.

Morgan, T. J. H., & Griffiths, T. L.

Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.

James Mark Baldwin and contemporary theories of culture and evolution.

Morgan, T. J. H., & Harris, P. L.

European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 5629, 1–12.

Experimental evidence for the co-evolution of hominin tool-making teaching and language.

Morgan, T. J. H., Uomini, N. T., Rendell, L. E., Street, S. E., Lewis, H. M., Cross, C. P., Evans, C., Kearney, R., de la Torre, I., Whiten, A., & Laland, K. N.

Nature Communications, 6, 1–8.

The Development of Adaptive Conformity in Young Children: Effects of Uncertainty and Consensus.

Morgan, T. J. H., K. Laland & P. L. Harris.

Developmental Science.

What animals other than primates can tell us about human cultural transmission.

Laland, K. N., A. Cowie, & T. J. H. Morgan.

Ellen, R., Lycett, S., Johns, S. (eds) Understanding Cultural Transmission in Anthropology. Berghahn: New York/Oxford.

Is Non-genetic Inheritance Just a Proximate Mechanism? A Corroboration of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis.

Mesoudi, A., S. Blanchet, A. Charmantier, É. Danchin, L. Fogarty, E. Jablonka, K. N. Laland, T. J. H. Morgan, G. B. Müller, F. J. Odling-Smee & B. Pujol.

Biological Theory, 189–195.

The Biological Bases of Conformity.

Morgan, T. J. H., & K. N. Laland.

Frontiers in Neuroscience 6, 1–7.

The Evolutionary Basis of Human Social Learning.

Morgan, T. J. H., L. E. Rendell, M. Ehn, W. J. E. Hoppitt, and K. N. Laland.

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Cognitive Culture: Theoretical and Empirical Insights into Social Learning Strategies.

Rendell, L. E., L. Fogarty, W. J. E. Hoppitt, T. J. H. Morgan, M. M. Webster, and K. N. Laland.

Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 15, 68–76.

Ecco Lab | Evolution, Culture, Cognition | Arizona State University
ASU | Thomas Morgan | Tempe, Arizona, USA |

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